Good Friday & Easter 2023
You are invited to celebrate the significance of Good Friday and Easter with us at Heartland!
(6:30 service will be streamed live)
*Good Friday services are designed for those 11 years and older, with a lot of reading and quiet reflection.
Heartland Kids will be open at both services for kids 5th grade and younger!
April 8th
April 9th
8am, 9:30am & 11:00am
(9:30 service will be streamed live)
Join us for one of our identical services to celebrate the life and resurrection of Jesus!
Whether you have been to church every Easter or if this would be your first time in a church, you will be welcome here!
*We have awesome Kids programming and background checked volunteers in all of our kids classrooms!
Heartland Kids is open for kids 6 weeks through 5th grade!
And based on the hundreds of kids that attend these classrooms each week,
we are pretty confident your kids will love the classrooms too!
Questions? Email