what is regeneration?

Heartland Regen is a place for anyone who wants to get healthier.

Whether it's an addiction, a destructive pattern, or just a bad habit, all of us have certain behavioral or thought patterns that are pulling us away from God and from those in our lives we love the most and pull us away from the life we were meant to live.

Every Monday from 6:30-8:00pm*, a group of men and women come together to help find hope and healing from the unhealthy patterns, thoughts and behaviors in our lives. Regen is a place of safety, honesty, and encouragement to come work through those things and experience transformational healing power through Jesus and community.

And you are invited to join us. You don’t need to sign up. You don’t need to let us know you are coming, you simply just need to show up and you will be welcomed as you walk your own journey towards health.

Questions? Email info@heartlandsunprairie.com